Getting out your comfort zone

On my most recent visit to library, I noticed an interesting book on one of the shelves. It was 'Mr Mercedes' by Stephen King. Now if anyone knew me well, they'd know I stay as far away as possible from anything related to horror - movies, TV shows, and even books. And the author is well known for his horror stories.

I am not sure what influenced me to get that book - maybe because I saw the particular book a week or 2 before in a book store and it was quite expensive, but the description seemed interesting to me. Anyway, I went home with it, promising myself I would stop if I felt uncomfortable reading it. But I didn't. It just drew me to read more and more, and I finished it in 3 days. So now I am more inclined to any books that have 'horror' in their genre.
(Note: The book may not be suitable for younger audiences, I only used it as an example.)

My point is, you sometimes may feel anxious or scared of trying new things, and you may be ruining your chances to experience some amazing things just because you are scared of leaving your 'comfort zone'. You may think it is the best to sick with same friends, read same genre of books, watch only things you get recommendations from your friends. And you are most likely wrong.

For example, if you are shy person, next time you meet a neighbor, instead of just saying 'Good Morning, Mr/Mrs.', you can add 'How are you doing today?' or 'Isn't such a beautiful day today?'. Next time you see a person from your class sitting alone, you could come and maybe start a conversation. Who knows, you may gain a new great friend. Try different food, listen to different music, try some new make up products.
I know staying in your comfort zone may seem like a safe choice, but trust me, it won't hurt if you occasionally 'stray' from it.

~ Milena


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