E-books vs paperback - my views

So you love reading, right? But how do you like to read books, from reading device or in paperback? Let's analyze pros and cons of each version.


Obviously, e-books are usually much cheaper than their version in paperback. Also, you do need to pay shipping fees and they will get delivered to you in an instant, almost anywhere in a world.


If you plan to go on a vacation, you would probably want to bring something to read. While choosing which paperback books to bring, you may end up a nice pile which will take up space in your suitcase. Also, you will need to worry if they get damaged. With e-books is much easier, you will just need a reading device - a tablet or Kindle, and you can store hundreds of books, so you have much wider choice.


Reading before sleep is one of the best ways to help you fall asleep faster, and this is where paperbacks take a victory, since it is much more relaxing reading from paper compared to a reading device.


People read faster from paper than computer screen. Various studies have proven that.


Many people love collecting books and displaying them on bookshelves. This, of course, only works for paperback, so if you love building your 'home library', you will, of course, turn to printed versions of books.

Personally, I prefer paperback. I just love holding a 'real' book in my hand, and having my book collection proudly displayed on my bookshelf. But every once in a while, I will turn to e-books if I am looking to read something I cannot find that easily or is too expensive.

~ Milena


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